Author: Julian van Loo
Drilling started for the exploratory well for underground heat storage in Delft!
Ready for take-off! At TU Delft Campus we just started drilling the exploratory well for the underground heat storage. Site lead Martin Bloemendal: “The technology is ready, we now want to demonstrate it to be both feasible and economically viable. It’s truly pioneering.”
Meet VITO: How can we achieve smart control of heat networks?
Let us introduce you to our partner VITO, which focuses on how we can achieve smart control of heat networks to optimally integrate heat storage in the network.
The future of sustainable heat – workshop for high schools
PUSH-IT geologist Claire Bossenec gave a workshop on geothermal energy, heat storage and sustainable energy projects for high-school pupils. The pupils learned how these technologies could shape our future cities and communities, and which type of jobs and expertise are needed for this to happen. We also delved into…
Meet the partner – Utrecht University
Let us introduce you to our partner Utrecht University, which focuses on reducing the costs of heat storage in PUSH-IT. Dr. Wen Liu is assistant professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. This is a scientific institute for sustainability research and education. “We contribute to the transition to a sustainable society through research that is both scientifically excellent and societally relevant.”
Meet the scientist – Melanie Rohse (Anglia Ruskin University)
In this edition of Meet the Scientist we interview Mel Rohse, Senior Research Fellow at the Global Sustainability Institute (Anglia Ruskin University). Mel focuses on societal engagement within the PUSH-IT project. “Our societal engagement work matters because people matter!”
Exploring Microbial Diversity: Water Quality Research at the Delft ATES pilot site
How does underground thermal energy storage influence microbial diversity? This is one of the topics being researched using water quality sampling. Maud Watkinson and Sylvain Stephant, researchers at French Geological Survey (BRGM), recently visited the PUSH-IT pilot site in Delft to tackle this question.
Happy 2024! What are the New Year’s resolutions of PUSH-IT?
This year we will see many new developments in the PUSH-IT project. We have asked the leads of the pilot sites to reflect on the first year of the project and to share their New Year’s resolutions.
Why do we need underground heat storage?
There is a high heat demand in winter, while we produce heat that is not used in summer. We call this the seasonal mismatch in heat supply and demand.
Recap: General Assembly in Czechia
How can we collaborate to overcome the seasonal mismatch between heat demand and heat production using underground heat storage? This was the main question we addressed in Prague and Litomĕřice during the PUSH-IT General Assembly.
School kids learn on-site how underground heat storage works
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Helmholtz-Potsdam GFZ and Fraunhofer IEG proudly presented their research at the German Geothermal Congress (DGK) last month.