Tag: Research

  • Key lessons for local engagement in geothermal projects

    Key lessons for local engagement in geothermal projects

    In July, we had the pleasure of hosting Amel Barich in our PUSH-IT webinars series on Societal Engagement to talk about the Horizon2020 Crowdthermal Project. Drawing on five sites varying in scale, purpose, and stage of development, the key lessons learned for gaining a Social Licence to Operate (SLO) for geothermal energy were…

  • Recent sampling missions for water quality analysis

    Recent sampling missions for water quality analysis

    As part of PUSH IT’s Work Package Task 3.3, focused on microbiology, BRGM has conducted several sampling missions over the past two months.

  • Meet the scientist – Annick Loschetter (BRGM)

    Meet the scientist – Annick Loschetter (BRGM)

    In this edition of Meet the Scientist we interview Annick Loschetter, research engineer at BRGM (French Geological Survey). Annick focusses on researching water quality within the PUSH-IT project.

  • Highlights from the Mine Water Geothermal Energy Symposium

    Highlights from the Mine Water Geothermal Energy Symposium

    PUSH-IT representatives attended the IEA Geothermal 2024 Mine Water Geothermal Energy Symposium, which brought together international participants to share case studies of mine water heating projects as well as developments in mine thermal energy storage (MTES).

  • Recap: check out what PUSH-IT presented at EGU Vienna 2024

    Recap: check out what PUSH-IT presented at EGU Vienna 2024

    EGU Vienna, the general assembly of the European Geosciences Union, welcomed 20,000 attendees – including many PUSH-IT members. They contributed to multiple of the hundreds of sessions. See the overview in this post to learn more about our conference contributions!

  • Governance and regulation for heat storage

    Governance and regulation for heat storage

    For technologies operating in the subsurface living environment, an appropriate regulatory framework is fundamental to protect the common interests of all users and prevent negative impacts on the environment. We aim to understand if and how this new technology is incorporated in existing regulations and if or where regulation may create barriers for widespread technology deployment.

  • Meet VITO: How can we achieve smart control of heat networks?

    Meet VITO: How can we achieve smart control of heat networks?

    Let us introduce you to our partner VITO, which focuses on how we can achieve smart control of heat networks to optimally integrate heat storage in the network.

  • Understanding the social aspects of geothermal energy

    Understanding the social aspects of geothermal energy

    Last month, PUSH-IT organised a webinar for project members, featuring Daniëlle van Duin from Polycentric, who provided valuable insights into societal engagement in geothermal projects.

  • Meet the partner – Utrecht University​

    Meet the partner – Utrecht University​

    Let us introduce you to our partner Utrecht University, which focuses on reducing the costs of heat storage in PUSH-IT. Dr. Wen Liu is assistant professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. This is a scientific institute for sustainability research and education. “We contribute to the transition to a sustainable society through research that is both scientifically excellent and societally relevant.”

  • Meet the scientist – Melanie Rohse (Anglia Ruskin University)​

    Meet the scientist – Melanie Rohse (Anglia Ruskin University)​

    In this edition of Meet the Scientist we interview Mel Rohse, Senior Research Fellow at the Global Sustainability Institute (Anglia Ruskin University). Mel focuses on societal engagement within the PUSH-IT project. “Our societal engagement work matters because people matter!”

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